Team on field is too weak and may be fined for deliberately losing on a next match.
Neuronball について
Neuronball is an online game created by Neuronality
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- Thanks to Cédric Rossi for his enlightened advices, both on game design and web architecture
- Some graphics elements designed by Thomas Frick
- Thanks to Nadia Wintz for her useful help on design
- We used POV-Ray extensively for this project. Many thanks to all the contributors!
- Friedrich A. Lohmüller wrote excellent tutorials for POV-Ray. Many thanks to him for sharing his passion.
- We used great textures from
- Grateful thanks to Kanzaki, Kent Wax, Furioteam, Cil for their continuous support.
- Thanks to Stackoverflow to answer some thousands of our questions... daily :)
- Polish localization by Rafał Hys
- Michael contributed to completing and improving the German localization
- Thanks to Mikko, Michaël, Bradley and many others for their very useful feedback
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