Your player [[name]] is now level [[level]] and has [[to_spend]] points to use. He accesses now to [[unlocked_type]] class [[unlocked_lv]].
You've got a match planned at [[time]] against [[opponent]] on [[stadium_type]] [[stadium_name]] stadium. Call your friends now to increase your chances of winning!
You won [[credits]] credits and the following reward: [[reward]].
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished and you lost [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]]. Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished. It's a draw! [[my_score]] to [[my_score]]. Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished and you won [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]]. Congratulations! Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your Neuron [[name]] was bought by [[buyer]] for [[value]] Credits.