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Team on field is too weak and may be fined for deliberately losing on a next match.

Regional rankings: Paraná

Best cities
1 Colombo
2 Curitiba
3 Londrina
4 Maringá
5 São José dos Pinhais
6 Umuarama
7 Paranaguá
8 Foz do Iguaçu
9 Cascavel
10 Campo Mourão
11 Almirante Tamandaré
12 Arapongas
13 Ponta Grossa
14 Francisco Beltrão
15 Prudentópolis
16 Toledo
17 Apucarana
18 Campo Largo
19 Araucária
20 Paiçandu
21 Paranavaí
22 Castro
23 Ibaiti
24 Cambará
25 Piraquara
26 Bandeirantes
27 Guaratuba
28 Colorado
29 Astorga
30 Campina Grande do Sul
31 Cruzeiro do Oeste
32 Antonina
33 Medianeira
34 Quatro Barras
35 Pato Branco
36 Pinhais
37 Sarandi
38 Cianorte
39 Santo Antônio da Platina
40 Irati
41 Telêmaco Borba
42 Palmeira
43 Jacarezinho
44 Ibiporã
45 Palmas
46 Pitanga
47 São Miguel do Iguaçu
48 Marechal Cândido Rondon
49 Laranjeiras do Sul
50 Mandaguari
loading Best Teams
Live and recent games

DeepWater vs Colombo N.F.C


Seyateam vs Colombo N.F.C


👹 Shrek 👹 vs Colombo N.F.C


Seyateam vs Colombo N.F.C


Colombo N.F.C vs Niger Team


Your match is now planned!

Opponent #opponent_country# #opponent_name#, #opponent_points# points
Matches played#matches_played#

Close Watch it!
#opponent_country# #opponent_name#, #opponent_points# points Friendly match request

Decline Accept
Your player [[name]] is now level [[level]] and has [[to_spend]] points to use. He accesses now to [[unlocked_type]] class [[unlocked_lv]].
You've got a match planned at [[time]] against [[opponent]] on [[stadium_type]] [[stadium_name]] stadium. Call your friends now to increase your chances of winning!
You won [[credits]] credits and the following reward: [[reward]].
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished and you lost [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]]. Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished. It's a draw! [[my_score]] to [[my_score]]. Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your match against [[opponent]] is finished and you won [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]]. Congratulations! Your team gains [[xp]] XP.
Your Neuron [[name]] was bought by [[buyer]] for [[value]] Credits.
A new player is following you : [[follower]].
The Neuronball league had to cancel your match due to a geomagnetic storm.
Your account has been credited with the [[qt]] boosters you just bought. Click here to reload the page.
All your Neurons on field are now fully charged. Click here to reload the page.
Your account has an XP amplifier activated until: [[ends]].
You made a profit of [[profit]] XP through your XP amplifier.
You have a new sponsored team, [[name]]! This team will grant you boosters when levelling up.
Your sponsored team [[name]] is now level [[level]]! You gain 100 credits and the following reward: [[reward]].
Your Neuron number [[number]], [[name]], is now stronger.
Your team is now Ready to Play, waiting for an opponent.
The team [[name]] you follow will start a match at [[time]] against [[opponent]]. You should support his team now!
Your friend [[name]] has been invited for a friendly match.
Your friend [[name]] has declined your invitation for the friendly match.
Your friendly match against [[opponent]] is finished and you lost [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]].
Your friendly match against [[opponent]] is finished. It's a draw! [[my_score]] to [[my_score]].
Your friendly match against [[opponent]] is finished and you won [[my_score]] to [[opponent_score]].
Your team receives a [[amount]] credits fine for having deliberately lost the match against [[opponent]].